February 1, 2024
Last week I was afforded an opportunity to share the story of my book, Living & Loving Life All Day Every Day, on Sandra Champlain’s We Don’t Die Radio program. We recorded on Jan. 22, 2024. Sandra kindly broadcast to her audience on January 28th, the 10 year angelversary of Matthew’s passing.
On the morning of Jan. 28th,

I was feeling him around me and thought I would write him a short note. The usual I miss you and such. I included a little request. “Could you send a bluebird my way? No sign of them outside, though lots of berries. If you can send a flock - sweet! But if just a cool pop up on Facebook or something, that would be nice too!”
Minutes after writing down my thoughts, remembering how much has happened since he left 10 years ago, and after feeling some tears down my cheeks, I gathered myself and prepared for the day.
Opening up my emails, I found that Sandra had sent the link for the YouTube broadcast of my interview. It was available for me to preview and would be posted to the public later in the day. Imagine my surprise when I saw the graphic that accompanies her post on the YouTube channel. A portrait photo of me, and there on my shoulder, is a little image of a bluebird!
Well, that was so unexpected! I just knew that somehow, Matthew had influenced the decision to place that little bird in the image, knowing I would be looking for them, requesting them, and would be ecstatic to see one.
The bluebirds and Matthew do not stop. Days later I get an email from Sandra:
After I posted our interview on YouTube and the podcast channels for We Don’t Die Radio, I wanted to share you story of Matthew, Sal and the bluebirds on my 2nd podcast - Shades of the Afterlife. I only took some clips from our original interview and was busy editing the show the night before last. (that show will air on Feb 15th)
My mom and I moved into the house we are currently living in 4 years ago. I have bird feeders and get a TON of birds, but NEVER bluebirds. I know they live in the area but they are never here. Yesterday around 9AM I looked out to the feeders and there were at least 7 BLUEBIRDS at my feeder. I didn’t have my phone on me so I ran to grab it and only managed to get a few in this picture attached.
Diane, I’m convinced they are from Matthew - a little sign saying “Thank you for sharing Mom’s words.” All I can say is WOW!
I have goosebumps telling you this story. LOVE YOU MY FRIEND!
I was very surprised, and responded:
Holy bluebirds! OMG! That would be so like Matthew to nudge those birds to your feeder, and grab your attention!
Love this! He is a very good communicator, and when he finds people he likes, such as yourself, he gets a kick out of sending you signs.
Just a suggestion, as you are engaged in mediumship development, invite Matthew to come in and help out. He just might surprise the students.
Joe Higgins had that happen last year, during the time he was helping me polish up the book. His class was going to meet with a volunteer sitter on zoom. Instead, Matthew unexpectedly showed up, and took over the class. He was always quite the social butterfly, and could talk one's ears off, so no surprise he drops in with developing mediums and gives them an earful!
Thank you so much, again, for the opportunity to get this story out there, and for sharing your connection with Matt's bluebirds this morning.
Love to you and your mom!
Later, Sandra sent me this, with a link to a video of the bluebirds. Click the link, and enjoy!
You are most welcome and that is a great idea for medium development! Also, I just made this short bird video and put it on YouTube. You will like it! https://youtu.be/Tk2lLa0mUko
Gotta Love It!